
Monthly Archives: May 2024

Fun Socks | Are You Evaluating Employees or Developing Them?

Are You Evaluating Employees or Developing Them? While leaders inevitably complain about having to do reviews, they also say that they want to develop their employees. How do those two concepts coexist? Think of it like this: Reviews are foundational. If you don’t have good base information, you can’t develop […]

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Spousal Incentive Opt-Out HRA Plans

Spousal Incentive Opt-Out HRA Plans What is a Spousal Incentive Opt-Out HRA Plan? While many organizations have a taxable cash opt-out or waiver incentive that is offered to employees who are covered by health insurance coverage elsewhere, a spousal incentive opt-out HRA (sometimes called a spousal HRA, etc.) provides an […]

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