
Guide to Retirement | Employee Newsletter:
Your Money Check-up

Financial education has become increasingly important in today’s job market. Workers are looking to their employers for financial wellness resources. By providing financial education to your employees, you’ll be helping them build the skills they need to help manage their finances and plan for the future. This can lead to greater job satisfaction and loyalty, as well as increased productivity in the workplace.[1]


This financial education resource focuses on key questions to help employees assess their financial situation, from overspending to retirement and beyond. Sharing this helpful resource with your employees can be a positive step toward alleviating financial stress in the workplace.


[1] John Hancock. “Stress, Finances and Well-being.” 2023.


AIF®, CPFA® | Retirement Relationship Manager

Meet Julia, a people-focused life-long learner with several years of experience in the retirement plan industry. Throughout her career, Julia has been committed to maintaining strong client relationships by providing incredible customer service. She is passionate about helping clients define and plan for their retirement goals. Julia’s daily role at the firm energizes and reinforces her commitment to client-focused work.


AIF®, CFP®, CPFA® | Financial Advisor

Since 2012 at Rose Street, Scott has been responsible for helping the firm’s individual wealth management clients with income strategies for retirement and consulting with employers with their employee retirement plans. In free time, he enjoys golf, biking, skiing, cooking, and traveling. Fun fact, Scott has a hobby of filling growlers with coins!

Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through M Holdings Securities, Inc., a Registered Broker/Dealer and Investment Advisor, Member FINRA/SIPC. Rose Street Advisors, LLC is independently owned and operated. #5787267.1
This information was developed as a general guide to educate plan sponsors and is not intended as authoritative guidance or tax/legal advice. Each plan has unique requirements, and you should consult your attorney or tax advisor for guidance on your specific situation.
©401(k) Marketing, LLC. All rights reserved. Proprietary and confidential. Do not copy or distribute outside original intent. 


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