
Fun Socks HR

Current Compensation Challenges

Have you talked about compensation with your employees lately?  Chances are that you have, and it was not an easy conversation for either party. What’s driving these challenges?   As of the end of May, the reported rate of inflation was 8.6%.  Consumer prices were up 8.5%.  Those are budget […]

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Are Your Employees Happy at Work?

Are Your Employees Happy at Work? We all have those days.  Maybe it’s the Monday after a long weekend when you keep hitting the snooze button, or the Friday of a painfully long week when it’s challenging to drag yourself into the office.  We know what that’s like and whether […]

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Energizing Your Pandemic Fatigued Employees

Energizing Your Pandemic Fatigued Employees Let’s face it, we’re all tired of talking about the pandemic.  But it’s still here and it’s giving leaders a run for their money.  Usually, stressful situations are more short term.  Something bad happens, we find a way through it, and we’re back on our […]

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Let Us (Re)Introduce Ourselves | Rose Street Advisors Team

Rose Street Advisors Team 2022

Let Us (Re)Introduce Ourselves To the many friends of Rose Street Advisors, As we embrace this new year, we are more committed than ever to living out our core values and our mantra “What We Do and How We Do It Matters”. Enjoy this glimpse into the people and the heart […]

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Things We Learned in 2020

Things we learned in 2020

Things We Learned in 2020 2020 was an interesting year and we learned a lot.  We learned new words like:  COVID, Zoom, and social distancing. We learned about working remotely while keeping pets and family members occupied.  We learned that we are good at learning and have the ability to do […]

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