
Fun Socks HR

Are We There Yet? Post Pandemic Planning

Are we there yet? Post Pandemic Planning When the pandemic started a year ago, employers had to react quickly to an unknown crisis with vague and conflicting information and significant employee concerns.    HR professionals were particularly challenged.  There were ever changing guidelines, newly emerging medical information, and even politics […]

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Does 2021 Need a Shot in the Arm?

Does 2021 need a shot in the arm? - HR Blog

Does 2021 Need a Shot in the Arm? The year 2020 will go down as a year to be remembered – for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons of course, is the COVID-19 pandemic.  During it, we learned to work remotely, social distance, bake bread, and experiment with the […]

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Should We Celebrate the Tax Holiday?

Social Security cards with US capitol, money and Coronavirus images

Should We Celebrate the Tax Holiday? On August 8th, President Trump sent a memorandum to the Treasury Department allowing for a tax holiday. The tax holiday allows for employees earning less than $104,000 per year to defer paying their Social Security taxes during the months of September through December. This would save […]

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Work or Family? Employee Choices During COVID

work or family? employee choices - Covid

Work or Family? Employee Choices During Covid Last week we hosted a webinar about employees with school aged children featuring an interview with local Covid law expert Rebecca Strauss from Miller Johnson.  In the webinar, she referenced a USA Today article that talks about the impact of the pandemic on working families.  […]

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Getting the Most Out of Remote Work

Getting the most out of remote work- HR Blog

Getting the Most Out of Remote Work Picture yourself doing remote work.  Does that picture include working in pajamas and fuzzy slippers?  Not brushing your teeth before noon?  Working while floating in the pool? While employers have offered remote work options in the past, the pandemic has accelerated the move […]

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