
Fiduciary Fitness Program

Module 1

Fiduciary Duties and Responsibilities

Our first education module, Fiduciary Duties and Responsibilities, covers essential topics to help you navigate your fiduciary role effectively. From understanding fiduciary duties and responsibilities under ERISA to identifying who is considered a fiduciary, this module equips you with the knowledge needed for prudent governance.

Learn who is considered a fiduciary, the roles they play, and what documentation you should have in your fiduciary file.

Learn about the role as a plan trustee, third party fiduciaries, prohibited individuals, and the responsibilities and duties that fiduciaries must follow.

Learn about fiduciary responsibilities and duties as it relates directly to retirement plans.

Learn about reporting and disclosure requirements and fidelity bonds.

Next module coming soon, contact Scott or Julia to be added to the announcement for the module releases.


AIF®, CFP®, CPFA® | Financial Advisor

Since 2012 at Rose Street, Scott has been responsible for helping the firm’s individual wealth management clients with income strategies for retirement and consulting with employers with their employee retirement plans. In free time, he enjoys golf, biking, skiing, cooking, and traveling. Fun fact, Scott has a hobby of filling growlers with coins!


AIF®, CPFA® | Retirement Relationship Manager

Meet Julia, a people-focused life-long learner with several years of experience in the retirement plan industry. Throughout her career, Julia has been committed to maintaining strong client relationships by providing incredible customer service. She is passionate about helping clients define and plan for their retirement goals. Julia’s daily role at the firm energizes and reinforces her commitment to client-focused work.

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